Sunday, July 20, 2008

Homegrown Gourmet #10

It's time for the next round-up of Homegrown Gourmet. I was the winner of Homegrown Gourmet 9 with my Swedish Meatball recipe. As such, I have the honor of hosting this round, which means I get to pick the food topic.

First the rules:

Anyone can play!

A theme will be picked by the host. Participants will make a dish that follows the theme and that somehow represents their home region- town, state, area. Representation can feature a local ingredient, be a traditional dish from your area, or be a creative twist.

Participants will have 3-4 weeks (host discretion) to complete their recipes and post them to their blog (or email the pics and text), and notify the host. The host will then post the results and then let everyone know via email or message board the results are up! An explanation of your dish is required; it can be a story about the local custom or ingredient, how you came about eating/ making the recipe, or an explanation about how your creative dish fits the theme.

Fresh and local foods are encouraged!

When the round is done, the host will announce their favorite dish by updating their blog. Favorite is completely subjective to the host- no one expects the host to make and taste test all the dishes, it is just something that strikes the host’s fancy! The creator of the fave gets the honor of hosting the next round, if they so choose!

Now, onto the fun part:

The theme for this round-up is...






I hope you all have fun with this topic and put your culinary creativity to work. I'm anxious to see what you come up with (and hopefully, I'll get some great new pizza recipes to try out). If you've never participated before, don't be shy.

To participate, please send an email to elizabethscookingAThotmailDOTcom with “HomeGrown Gourmet 10″ in the subject, with your name, blog name and URL, location, and permalink to your entry. If you don't have a blog, but want to participate, please submit your recipe and pictures to the above email and I will post them for you. Please try to have a picture of your dish in your post. Deadline for the event is Monday, August 25, 2008. I can’t wait to see all of your entries and pick a winner for the next round!


  1. I might have to try this even though pizza is NOT conducive to dieting, Elizabeth!! :)

  2. Maybe that can be your challenge, Annie... come up with a pizza that IS conducive to dieting (my husband will love you if you do, btw)

  3. Definitely going to participate! I'm making grilled pizza this weekend :)

  4. I have the pizza for you! I'm a remodeling my kitchen, but if I can't make the deadline, I will e-mail you the recipe for your own use.

    Can't put it here or someone might use it.

  5. Are we going to see the round-up soon?! I'm eager for the torch to be passed and a new round to start up, but we need to know who's the winner!
