BakingBlonde at Blonde Ambition in the Kitchen has given me a "Blogging with Purpose" award. Wow. I'm honored. Her desserts make my mouth water. If you haven't yet, you really should start reading her blog. Like BakingBlonde, I'm also honored (and frankly, a bit surprised) that other people actually read my blog, let alone enjoy it. :)
I mean, I'm just a girl who likes to cook. I rarely make anything fancy and almost never make up my own recipes. I just make good tasting food to help me relieve stress after a busy day.
Now, it's time to share the love. As such, I nominate the following bloggers:
1. Annie at Well, That Would be Telling. Annie shares my love of Fontina cheese. Even though she doesn't exclusively food blog, her recipes are great and her stories always amuse me.
2. Monica at Fickle Foodie. Monica's recipes are so creative, and her photos are beautiful. Keep it up, Monica.
3. Meg at Joy Through Cooking. Her food always looks fantastic and inspires me to expand my palate. She also has two of the cutest little puppies I've ever seen.
4. Carrie at Carrie's Cooking Adventures. She's got a recipe for cheese and proscuitto stuffed shells that practically makes me drool. She's one of the first blogs I turn to if I really want some good comfort food.
5. Gillian at Gillian's Goodies. She inspires me to eat healthier and convinces me that I don't always have to sacrifice taste to eat better. Thanks, Gillian.
Now, here's what you five have to do:
- Nominate 5 blogs that haven't had this award before
- Each of the blogs must have a purpose
- The nominated blogs must have a link back to this blog
- The logo from this award must be displayed in your blog
Happy blogging, everyone, and keep it up!
Thank you for the honor :)